Systems for track and fleet monitoring
Fleet & Tool Owner
Machine data in real time
We provide fleet managers with real-time information on their machine fleet's condition and help them derive valuable insights. The intuitive, easy-to-use application was developed specifically for track and fleet monitoring and can be installed on any track maintenance machine.
Optimized operational planning
Monitor your track maintenance machines’ condition to improve operation and maintenance planning and save unnecessary costs. The availability of real-time information makes predictive maintenance possible through data analysis. This enables you to manage your machine fleet in a more efficient, reliable and safe way. Your investment will pay off with the carrying out of a single work shift, which would have otherwise been canceled.
Machine Condition Observer (tmMCO)
The Machine Condition Observer (tmMCO) is an integrated machine information system that makes all machine data accessible on a central platform. It is a web-based, easy-to-use solution, specifically developed for operators of railroad construction machines. All you need is an Internet connection and a terminal device. That way you can have your fleet with you at all times.
Central Application Hub (tmOS)
With the Online Suite (tmOS) you always have an overview. It merges the relevant information from all sources and provides you with a holistic view of the railroad infrastructure measurements. Fragmented data points are put together to create a bigger picture from which targeted measures can then be derived.
Machine Data Connector (tmMDC)
The Machine Data Connector (tmMDC) is a hardware device installed on-board. It collects machine data, which is sent at regular intervals to the central storage via a mobile data connection. Along with the tmMCO, this creates an optimal system solution for fleet managers of track maintenance machines.

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Assistance systems for track machines
Machine Manufacturer
We make digitization easy for you. Our solutions turn the track machines you manufacture into highly efficient machines that give you a competitive edge.

Digital systems for track surveying
Infrastructure Manager
We automate track surveying so that you can work more efficiently, precisely and above all, safely. We make track measurement possible, without an impact on operations.