Meet Kevin: Car enthusiast becomes full-stack developer at tmc

This year we will continue to introduce you to our multi-talented employees and perhaps your future colleagues. Today we’re talking about Kevin, who has been on board at tmc since 2019 and has been passionate about motorbikes and cars since he was a teenager.

A passion for technology

Kevin attended the HTL for Software Engineering in Perg and also discovered his love of tinkering with mopeds and motorbikes at this time. After graduating from the HTL, he joined Plasser & Theurer as a front-end developer.

Multicultural team with daily stand ups

Today, Kevin is part of an international team as a tmMCO Fleet Team Fullstack Developer, with 80% of his work still being frontend. His colleagues are based in Linz and India. However, due to the Scrum process method, they meet every morning in a virtual team meeting for coordination and daily refinement of the current sprint. And there’s a lot going on at the moment, as some cool new features have gone live on tmMCO.

Passionate car hobbyist

With his moped driving licence, Kevin discovered the joy of two-wheeled technology. He initially tinkered with mopeds and motorbikes. His interest in cars grew with his driving licence, not least because of his family. His parents run a taxi company and a workshop for the associated vehicles, and one of Kevin’s brothers is also a mechanic. His brothers began modifying cars at an early age. Kevin soon learnt too, and they still enjoy spending their free time lowering their cars, replacing the exhaust, changing the rims and the like.

For Kevin working with his hands is the ideal balance to working in front of a computer screen. Kevin, thank you very much for the interview!

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